Monday, October 29, 2012

OHA has gone to the dogs

The kids love when friends and family come to cheer them on at their games. Most of the time, the friends and family are humans. But, the OHA Prep Team now has a non-human fan.

Meet Mollie Bee Blassic!

According to her mom, Mollie Bee has adopted the OHA Prep Team as her Number One team and cheers for the team in person whenever she gets the chance!

"Woof!", says Mollie Bee. This surely means "Go Mavericks!"

Thursday, October 18, 2012

OHA to Trick Or Treat for the Agape

Hockey players wearing the colours maroon, gold, and white will be knocking door to door canvasing several neighbourhoods on Wednesday October 31st. However they will not be wearing costumes, instead they will be clad in their hockey jersey's, and they won't be asking for candy, instead they will be asking for non perishable food items. Students from the Ontario Hockey Academy, including Catherine Tufts and Brooklyn Kallusky pictured above, will be collecting food for the Agape Food Bank this Halloween. Teams will be visiting several different neighbourhoods including Riverdale, Center town, around Home Depot, Sunrise Acres, and around Vincent Massey.

"The Agape Center plays such an important role in providing support in the Cornwall community. We are truly happy that we can play a role in ensuring the center is able to continue to meet our city’s needs", says Principal Josh Harrison. Student Athletes engaged in this food collecting activity will have the opportunity to volunteer and learn more about civic responsibility. The Agape Centre relies 100% on the donations of time, food, money, clothing, and other household items from the community to help families that access the services. The Ontario Hockey Academy is pleased to go door to door this Halloween to collect food for such an important charity in our community.

PHOTO CREDIT - Jason Setnyk


Thursday, October 4, 2012

OHA helps out Pond Inlet residents

Photo: Pond Inlet residents have an extra reason to be excited about the upcoming hockey season in their community. A surplus City of Cornwall Zamboni recently arrived in the northern community of 1,600 via ship. Tucked inside the hood of the Zamboni were some surplus hockey bags and various pieces of equipment from the Ontario Hockey Academy, as well as some T-shirts from Team Cornwall. Here's a photo of some Pond Inlet residents gathered around the Zamboni!Pond Inlet residents have an extra reason to be excited about the upcoming hockey season in their community. A surplus City of Cornwall Zamboni recently arrived in the northern community of 1,600 via ship. Tucked inside the hood of the Zamboni were some surplus hockey bags and various pieces of equipment from the Ontario Hockey Academy, as well as some T-shirts from Team Cornwall. Here's a photo of some Pond Inlet residents gathered around the Zamboni!

(story and image from  Choose Cornwall facebook page)