Saturday, January 28, 2012

OHA v. OHA: Round 2

On Thursday afternoon, the battle for bragging rights at OHA was conducted on pad 1 at the Benson Centre. Our Boys Gold and Maroon teams have four games in league play this year. The first ended in a tie (4-4) to the surprise of the Gold team and the joy of the Maroon team. So, emotions ran high at this rematch.

Lots of OHA fans showed up to watch the sparks fly.

Maroon scored first (Payne) in a 5 on 3. That was answered by 3 Gold power play golds (2 by Alcalde and 1 by White). A late second period break-away by Alex White was the final goal in the Gold team's 4-1 victory.

Though the Maroon team lost, a zero-zero has set the stage for round three this Sunday at 12PM at the Civic complex.