Sunday, October 30, 2011

Feeding the troops

Ever wonder what it's like feeding 120 athletes, plus the staff seven days a week, three meals a day plus snacks? Well, in two words: not easy. The kids eat large(!) amounts of food, and seem to be constantly hungry... even 10 minutes after a meal. And of course, every one has their own unique likes and dislikes.

That's why we are so lucky to have our wonderful kitchen staff. Diane, Terri, Joanne, and Sean work very hard to satisfy the needs and wants of all of the people they are feeding. And, they manage to do it with a smile.

There is lots of variety and always a nice salad bar, too. Nutritious food is important to fuel the body during sport and the brain during learning. The staff takes this challenge very seriously and they do a great job.

Thanks to the kitchen staff!