Being a small school, the staff is often called upon to do things that might not at first seem like a part of their job description. Last minute assembly of 50 turkey wraps? No problem. Jump starting a bus at -20 degrees? Sure.
Well, it was in this spirit that I acquired my latest task.
"How do you feel about sewing some jerseys?" asked Dr. Tim.
"I can do it," I replied, not really sure that I knew how. "When do you need them?"
"Sunday," he said with a smile as he ran out of my work office door.
Yesterday evening, Dr. Tim came home with a stack of eighteen jerseys.
"That's not 'some'", I said.
"Well, it's the whole team", said Tim, now running out of my home office.
"Sunday, right?", I asked.
"No, Friday," says Dr. Tim.
"Friday?," I moan.
"Well, the game is Friday, and whatever you don't finish I will bring home again and you can have them done for Sunday," says Dr. Tim.
Hmmmm.... well I'm happy to help the team, and maybe the slightly crooked name labels will bring them luck for the 2011/12 season :)