Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Welcome Coach Pat Choules!

Each year at OHA, we do our best to provide staff that can support the aspirations and needs of our Mavericks. This includes on the ice, in the classroom, in the gym, in the kitchen, in the dorms...

We have lots of returning staff this year, and some new faces as well. I'd like to take this opportunity to give a big welcome to Coach Pat Choules. Pat graciously agreed to participate in my first interview for the blog, and here are the answers to some questions I asked:

Where were you before OHA?

Just graduated from the State University of New York Potsdam with a BS in business administration.

Hockey background?

Played in NY at prep school for two years, junior hockey in Ontario and Quebec, then 4 years at Potsdam State.

And why did you come to OHA?

Heard about OHA from Coach Luke Beck (fellow hockey player at Potsdam), and liked what the school was about. With his interest in hockey and previous prep school experience, it sounded like and opportunity to help student athletes make it to the next step.

What is your philosophy on the ice?

Work hard, always continue to try and improve mentally and physically. Play with grit and tenacity.

What is your philosophy in the gym?

Hard work, commitment, players need these goals to improve their physical capabilities, and in turn this will be evident in their playing ability.

What is your philosophy in the classroom?

Pay attention, ask questions, no question is a stupid question. A teacher needs to be available to students, and have an approach where the students feel comfortable to ask for help

What are your first impressions of OHA?

It's a great opportunity for student athletes to improve in everything (academic, on ice, off ice), Everything is provided to give them the opportunity to succeed. Staff and students are all outgoing and fun to be around.

Thanks so much, Coach Pat. We are so happy to have you join us at OHA!